Vision Statement



The chapel serves both the rural village of West Horsley and the commuter village of East Horsley. It presently has 27 members.

Our vision is to continue to develop the spiritual growth of the members and those on the community roll, and to promote evangelism through outreach and pastoral care within the wider community.

The achievement of this vision will be seen by

·  a stable to increasing membership,

·  growth in the life and activities of the church,

·  outreach in the community, especially with the elderly,

·  and continued participation in the joint projects and activities of our local churches.


The actions already in hand are:-

  •  Spiritual growth and pastoral care of members through the regular meetings of the Bible Study Group and the House Group.


  • Evangelism to the community by means of participation in the joint projects of “Churches Together in Horsley and Ockham”, such as services held in the local homes for the elderly, the Good Friday open air service, joint charity collections, and joint community social activities.


  • Outreach to the community by the weekly “open house” coffee mornings, by individual members’ involvement with local groups, and by support for local community projects.


  • Methodist Connexional support includes Action for Children, Methodist Homes, Methodist Relief and Development Fund, Home and Overseas Missions, and the Property Fund.


  • Because we do not need regular bookings to finance our church we are able to make our premises available for District and Circuit events (within size limitations) and for occasional community use if needed by the village hall next door.
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