Church Annual Report - Objectives and Activities




31st August 2018 - 31st August 2020




Because of Covid 19 restrictions imposed in March 2020, no annual report was produced for 2018/19.  This summary report covers the two years 2018/19 and 2019/20. 

The last service before lockdown was held on 15th March 2020.  After that date, contact has been maintained with all members of the congregation by means of personal visits, telephone calls, weekly notices, service sheets and pastoral lettesr and reflections. The noticeboard was kept updated to reflect the situation.  A new initiative ‘Chatting Chairs’ took place during August, when members sat outside the church, inviting passers-by to chat.


Ministerial oversight

As a result of a circuit re- organisation the Rev Asif Das took ministerial oversight of West Horsley in September, 2018.



The membership numbers shown in the ‘October Count’ have declined from 19 to 14, due to the deaths of Joan Church, Keith Yule, Ruth Erasmus, Liz Hart and Patrick Sheard.  The average congregation has decreased from 14 to 12.



Sunday Worship took place regularly until Lockdown regulations forced closure in March 2020.  After that date, some members joined other Methodists via Zoom services from St Mary’s Guildford, others made use of services in the media or those provide for use “At Home”.



Prior to lockdown, the usual activities of Bible Study, House Group, weekly coffee mornings, quarterly occasional lunches and Songs of Praise evenings all  took place.  The premises were well-used by groups from the community.



Fundraising continued for Action for Children, All We Can, (the Methodist relief and development fund), Guildford No 5 project for homeless men, Methodist Homes, Christian Aid and Mission in Britain.  Money raised through the use of Smartie tubes supported SANDS (Stillborn and Neo-natal Deaths) and then The Prisoners’ Education Trust.


Churches Together in Horsley

Contact has been maintained, with Celia Chapman handing over the Chair to Heather Spackman.  The open-air Good Friday services at the East Horsley shops took place in 2019.



There were no safeguarding issues during these years.  8 members of the congregation had DBS checks for their roles in the church in November 2018.  3 members received leadership training in 2019.






Circuit and Church Reports completed and sent to the Circuit Secretary. Copy of Online Property Return was pinned on Notice Board as required.

Other points:

  1. Submission for Planning Permission approved by GBC for construction of glass doors and lettering METHODIST CHURCH on front elevation.  The latter will be as per Methodist Website in style and colour.
  2. Graham chased Surrey CC who then installed two signposts at the roundabout saying 'Methodist Church'.
  3. Hiring of hall has increased new Hire agreements and safeguarding policy issued to all hirers. Hirings curtailed by Coronavirus and lockdown.
  4. Regular servicing like boiler and fire extinguishers have been carried out throughout the year,
  5. PAT testing carried out on all portable electrical appliances.
  6. Garden kept tidy and neat by Ted and much appreciated.
  7. Car park light unit was broken and replaced.
  8. In line with Circuit instructions the water and boiler were turned off during Lockdown 1. Chapel was aired, taps and toilets flushed from time to time.
  9. New notice board installed on front elevation.
  10. Quotations were received to install screens to enable projection of services.



18/19 – Income from the collections and Gift Aid Tax was slightly less than the previous year but this was made up by an increase in other income.  Total Income was £13,678.  Expenditure at £16,882 was up by nearly £3,000 to cover some works during the year - windows, water leak and painting.  This led to a deficit of £3,204 reducing our reserves to £10,661.


Because of the lockdown in March, income from both collections and meetings was down by £2,500, giving a total income of £10,982.  Expenditure was about usual at £13,435, giving a deficit of £2,453.  This was drawn from general reserves, reducing these to £8,207.

During 19/20 we received donations from Alan Forster (£1,000) and Ron Akerman (£18,000).  These have been set aside for major works and projects.

The accounts for both years have been examined by our external examiner and signed off.


Objectives and for 2018/19 and achievements

  • Develop plans for future sustainability of the church – while financially secure, our human resources are reducing in number and ageing.  We may need to use our special reserves to pay for supplementary assistance.
  • Offer hospitality on our premises – while able, we have continued with the coffee mornings and occasional lunches
  • Support and encourage the activities of CTIH&O – we have provided a Methodist Chairman.
  • Develop spirituality and discipleship - regular Bible Study and House Group meetings
  • Develop prayer life within the church – individual activity only.
  • Continue to develop links with the people and groups using our premises - curtailed because of lockdown.
  • Continue our fund-raising activities and support for the homeless – collections at special services, coffee mornings and AFC table, goods for Whitechapel Mission and No 5 Project.
  • To spread the gospel message and bring more people to Christ – members take opportunities, as they arise including the use of ‘Chatting Chairs’.

Revd A Das                                                                                                                                           Mr RA Spackman

Church Council Chairman                                                                                                 Church Council Secretary


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