Newsletter March - May 2015.
Message from our Minister
Dear friends,
I am writing this on the first Sunday in Lent, still savouring the taste of the pancakes I ate on Shrove Tuesday, knowing such indulgence should not be repeated until glorious Easter Sunday! Lent provides us with a particular period of time where we mark the temptation, suffering and sacrifice of Jesus Christ by reflecting on our own lives and the difference that knowing Jesus makes to the way we live.
Lent is also a reflective time which can be used to develop our own religious knowledge through more disciplined reading of the Bible and other theological books. There are opportunities to join local ecumenical Lent groups as they study the York course “Build on the rock – faith, doubt and Jesus”. Our own Bible Study continues fortnightly on a Monday at 2pm focusing on Philippians.
We may prefer to read and study individually. This year I have picked up a book by James Cowan on the life of St Antony of Egypt. Antony was a Christian mystic who lived as a hermit in the desert and found a closer walk with God through solitude. James Cowan visited the site of his cave in the barren desert in 2002 and to his astonishment found a modern day hermit from Australia living with the same privations that Antony had and pursuing a similar quest for a closer relationship with God. This is James Cowan’s own story of enlightenment as well as St Antony’s.
Each Easter I read again a book by Jim Bishop called “The day Christ died” which is based on the Bible and historical writings and imagines an hour by hour account of the most dramatic day in the history of the world, the day of the crucifixion. This book paints a vivid picture of Jesus the man and the choices he made to suffer for the world which gives deep and inspirational insights to Jesus’ relationship with God the father and the Holy Spirit.
Life is busy, full of tasks as well as pleasures, so it is good to recognise that Lent gives an opportunity for a quieter, more thoughtful look at our own discipleship.
The joys of Easter follow this more reflective time, and then Pentecost with its bright and spirit filled action, encouraging us all to live out our gospel faith in new fresh ways. So taking some time in Lent to study and read more about Christ gives us a firm foundation for the action to come, for taking up the challenge of the resurrection and Pentecost, to go out into the world and tell everyone that Jesus is alive!
God bless you
The Women's World Day of Prayer Service will be at 2.00 on March 6th at St Martin's, East Horsley. The service this year, has been prepared by women from the Bahamas.
Good Friday April 3rd
Service at 10.00am
outside Station Parade shops East Horsley
Family News
Jane is thrilled to report that she is a great-aunt yet again. Heidi Florence Greaves arrived safely on 3rd February, a first baby for Paul and Kathryn. She was 10 weeks early and, although in the Special Care Baby Unit in Halifax, she is breathing on her own and doing well. We pray that she continues to thrive so that the family can soon all be together.
Please also remember in your prayers Keith, who is still in the Royal Surrey. Bob went to see Keith in Royal Surrey recently and was very pleased to see him more cheerful. Visits by a number of people had buoyed him up. He was reading a brochure about the nursing home Tina is trying to get him into near her in Worthing. They hope to get him out of hospital before too long. Also, prayers for Jenny, who is recovering from her recent eye operation.
Claire took communion at Lime Grove with Rene, Jane and Ruth recently. Rene loves hearing all the church news and welcomes visitors at any time. Please pop in if you are able.
Geoff's grandson, Thomas, hopes to play for the Hampshire under 16 cricket team again this year and has been with the coaching team this winter. About time he came to England's rescue. Geoff is a voluntary warden with the Y.H.A. and has recently spent a week in charge at the Dominican Friary in Beverley, Yorkshire. He was very impressed by the town and Minster.
Elsie is settling in well at Dene Place and welcomes visitors and any items of news.
We welcomed Pauline Smith to our coffee morning recently. Pauline was well known in the Guildford Circuit as a local preacher until she went back to live in Cornwall 6 years ago.
Finally, a plea to anyone who can sing - Come on! We're Methodists! We need to help form a circuit choir to take part in the circuit service at Merrow on MAY 24th when Lord Leslie Griffiths will preach.
On this great occasion, the anthem will be based on the Aldersgate Hymn (STF 408). Di has the music and will rehearse, perhaps after church on a couple of Sundays, then with the whole choir before the service. This will not be a difficult work and will be a good way to be part of the proceedings. Please see Di if you're interested.
It's time to leave Winter behind. Let us hope for some good Spring weather for all the busy gardeners among us.
The chapel will be open for personal meditation from 9.00 – 9.45
Communion Service at 10.30 am
with Claire Hargreaves
The Easter offering envelopes will raise funds to support work with people all over the world.
House Group
The House group will be meeting at Di Bamber’s house at 7.00 on the following dates:
March 26th Claire with an Easter Topic
April 23rd Musical evening with Mark, please bring copies of Singing the Faith
May 24th Report on the visit to the New Room, Bristol
Occasional lunches
The next Occasional lunches will be held on Thursday March 19th and May 21st. Please sign the lists when they appear on the noticeboard in the Wesley Room, if you would like to attend.
Chapel Anniversary Weekend April 25/26th
On the Saturday, we will be celebrating our chapel anniversary with a Songs of Praise evening, starting at 7.00. Please invite your friends to this popular event. Our Anniversary service on the Sunday will be followed by a soup lunch. We will not be making this a special Gift Day, but if you could be extra generous with your giving to the collection, this will help towards the cost of re-plastering the chapel.
In preparation for the weekend, we will be giving the Chapel a “Spring Clean” on Friday 24th; more details nearer the time.
Effingham Methodist Church Our friends at Effingham have got funding to start a Dementia Club where both those suffering from dementia and their carers can go for social activity and support. They need a team of volunteers to help, for further details contact Gill Walker on 01372 45987.
The dehumidifiers have been running in the church throughout February and significant amounts of water have been extracted, although the south wall still feels damp so quite a lot of moisture still to be collected. The specification for the new plaster and render has now been received and we hope to let a contract before too long.
No 95 The Street
The Old Post Office has been unoccupied for a considerable period of time now and so in 2014 the owners applied for planning permission to turn the building into four one-bed roomed flats. Construction has commenced and is expected to take four to five months to complete. Part of the flat roofed building will become two storey which may affect our solar panels. However the flats will also have solar panels and the builder advises that they are speaking with neighbours with a view to getting the trees in Fairwell Lane lopped to increase sunlight to the solar panels.
Books for younger people
Do you want to buy books for younger friends and family members?
Catherine Bruton (Mike and Jean’s daughter –in-law) is well known for hard hitting but hilarious contemporary fiction for readers aged eleven to one hundred and eleven –“We can be Heroes”, “Pop”, “I Predict a Riot”.
Under the pen name Cate Shearwater (Shearwater is the name of Mike’s cottage in Cornwall) she is now writing a new series for girls aged seven to eleven about gymnastics. These books were prompted by a request from our granddaughter Elsie “Please write a book about gymnastics Mummy” and Cate/Catherine was further inspired by classics like “Ballet Shoes” to write a story of fun, friendship and following a dream. Catherine and Elsie are now busy at various book launches – Catherine talking about her latest book “Somersaults and Dreams” and Elsie leading the audiences in a gymnastics session.
Jean Bruton
News from around the Circuit
The Meaning of Methodism – Barrie Tabraham will be leading a short course over four evenings for those who would like to know more about how Methodism started, what we believe and how we differ from other denominations. Starting on Wednesday June 3rd, at Merrow, from 7.30 – 9.00, then on June 10th, 17th and July 1st.
A new Series of FACE TO FACE interviews has been arranged for Sunday evenings at 6.30 at Godalming United Church.
19th April THE BISHOP OF SOUTHWARK the Rt Revd Christopher J. Chessun. Born and bred in Cobham, he has served as parish priest in Stepney, Archdeacon in Northolt and Bishop of Woolwich and done a great deal to strengthen links with Methodism in Central London.
10th May BARONESS VIRIGINA BOTTOMLEY. Formerly Secretary of State for Health and MP for South West Surrey. A Christian and regular church attender, she is married to Sir Peter Bottomley, MP for Worthing West.
28th June THE DEAN OF WESTMINSTER ABBEY The Very Revd Dr. John Hall
Lent Reflections are taking place on Thursdays at 12.30 from February 19th at St Mary’s, Quarry Street. Followed by a soup lunch.
Merrow church is celebrating their Diamond Jubilee this year and we are invited to two events in this coming quarter:
Saturday 21st March - Auction of talents, gifts and services. Viewing at 2.15, auction at 3.00. If you have anything to “sell”, please contact Barrie Tabraham on 453090.
Saturday 18th April – Jubilee quiz at 7.00, £10 including fish and chip supper.
Wesley weekend 23/24 May
Following the success of last year’s outing, there will be another on Saturday 23rd May to The New Room, Bristol, stopping at Kingswood School for a picnic lunch on the way. Please book with James Strawson, by 30th April; the cost will be £30. More information on the board.
On Sunday evening at 6.30, there will be a Circuit Service at Merrow, when the preacher will by The Rev Lord Leslie Griffiths, Superintendent minister of Wesley’s Chapel, London.
Words, Music & Stillness
A new Reflection Group will be meeting at St Mary’s Quarry Street, for one hour at 12 noon on Mondays, 2nd March, 13th April,11th May and 1st June. All welcome.
Churches launch major credit union
Earlier this month Church leaders united to promote access to responsible credit and savings with the launch of the Churches Mutual Credit Union (CMCU). The Archbishop of Canterbury joined the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland and the President of the Methodist Conference in London, to celebrate their Churches' collaboration in forming the flagship credit union.
The President of the Conference Ken Howcroft said, "Methodists are glad to support the launch of CMCU. The gap between rich and poor seems to be widening and leaving people without the resources to do new things, or even pushing them into crippling debt. When we recognise our interdependence we can share our resources to help each of us meet our needs. That is how we can all live life more fully. We wish the CMCU well."
Dates for your Diary
Monday 2nd 2.00 Bible Study in the Wesley Room
Friday 6th 2.00 Women’s World Day of Prayer Service at St Martin's
Saturday 14th 12.15 Lent lunch in East Horsley Village Hall
Monday 16th 2.00 Bible Study in the Wesley Room
Thursday 19th 12.15 Occasional Lunch
Saturday 21st 3.00 Auction at Merrow
Monday 30th 2.00 Bible Study in the Wesley Room
3rd Good Friday 9.00 – 9.15 chapel open for personal meditation
10.00 Churches Together service at EH shops
Monday 13th 10.00 Stewards’ Meeting
2.00 Bible Study in the Vestry
Saturday 18th 7.00 Merrow Quiz
Sunday 19th 6.30 Face to Face with Bishop of Southwark at Godalming
Friday 24th Spring Clean Day
Saturday 25th 7.00 Songs of Praise
Sunday 26th 10.30 Chapel Anniversary and soup lunch
Monday 27th 2.00 Bible Study in the Wesley Room
Sunday 10th Christian Aid Sunday
6.30 Face to Face with Virginia Bottomley at Godalming
Monday 11th 2.00 Bible Study in the Wesley Room
Saturday 23rd Circuit Outing to New Room, Bristol
Sunday 24th 6.30 Circuit Service at Merrow, preacher the Rev Lord Leslie Griffiths