Dear All,
The end of one Church/Connexional Year and the beginning of another is usually a time to look back to what has been and to look forward to what can be. To look back includes both the positive and the negative things. To look forward to what can be or should be possible is also an important exercise.
The prophet Joel, inspired by God, spoke as follows: “I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.” (Joel 2:28 NIV).
It is important to dream, to try to imagine how, for example, we can help in some small way to make the world a better world. “I have a dream”, these words have been immortalized by Martin L. King. The dream was a clear vision of where he wanted to take his people: calling them from bondage to freedom. It was like an Exodus event. Not all of us are called in this way to be leaders. But all of us are called to make our own contribution to its realization. All are called to make a difference in our own and others life and lifestyles. Nelson Mandela, another great visionary of our time, described his life’s journey as “The long walk to freedom.”
St. Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians, writes about the mystery hidden for all ages in God and which now has been made known to us in Christ. It is the dream or vision of God’s plan for the world and the mission of the Church in that plan: to unite all things in Christ, things in heaven and things on earth. (Ephesians 3: 3 – 10) Jesus, our Saviour and Lord, became man to give us full freedom as sons and daughters of God the Father. In Jesus and with Jesus we can realize all our dreams and hopes because he said: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Mathew 11: 28 – 30 NIV)
At the beginning of this New Connexional Year I extend my wishes that this year be one filled with faith, hope, love, joy, and peace for us all. May our Lord and Saviour be someone to whom we can turn in our weak, joyful and painful moments. May Jesus be our rock, our shelter and our strength.
Every blessing in Christ Jesus
Asif Das
Church News
The Bible Study Group is still running fortnightly currently using a study guide on Old Testament "Heroes of Faith", using references to them from the book of Hebrews in the New Testament. We are open to suggestions for our next study guide, so do tell Heather or Ruth as soon as possible if you have any recommendations: we would welcome them.
House Group meets at Ruth Isaac’s home at 7.00 on the fourth Tuesday of the month – 24th September, 22nd October and 26th November.
The West Horsley Village Fete will be held on Saturday 14th September at West Horsley Place from 12.00 – 16.00. We will be having a stall, so please come and support us. Graham will be coordinating a rota of helpers nearer the date.
Our Harvest Festival Service will take place on Sunday 15th September when Rev Claire Hargreaves will tell us about her work with All We Can. The service will be followed by a soup and sandwich lunch, to which all are welcome.
Occasional lunches. The next Occasional lunch will be on Thursday 3rd October; please let your friends know the date and encourage them to come to this event.
The Church Council will take place after the service on Sunday 24th November.
We will be celebrating the work of Methodist Homes for the Aged on Sunday 13th October when our service will be led by Mrs Jane Briggs (O’Leary), the circuit representative.
This year’s Advent Carol Praise will be at 7.00 on Saturday 7th December. Do come and invite your friends to what is a joyous occasion in the preparation for Christmas.
Property Report
The maintenance of the chapel causes us concern at times, but generally we are able to keep on top of it. Three significant activities this past quarter, firstly the restoration of water pressure after Affinity Water identified a leak - whereabouts unknown, so a completely new supply installed. Secondly our local joiner, Graham Sturgess of Tithe Joinery, made a new hardwood window to replace the one behind the organist. It is quite possible that the other front window will need replacing in the future. Thirdly, following the window, the south and east elevations of the chapel were painted by local craftsman Simon Hurst-Jones. Hopefully that will keep the external fabric in good order for some time to come.
The planning application for the new front door has just been prepared and we await a response from the Council.
Keith Yule
Those of you who attended Keith Yule’s Thanksgiving Service will remember that we sang some different verses to “All Things Bright and Beautiful”. We thought you might like to read them again:-
All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all.
The greenfly on the roses, the maggots in the peas,
The slugs that eat the lettuce, the Lord God made all these.
The midges and mosquitoes, the nettles and the weeds,
The pigeons and the squirrels, the sparrows on the seeds.
The fly that gets the carrots, the wasp that eats the plums,
The thorn upon the bramble that sticks into our thumbs!
All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all.
Circuit News
Rev Paul Hulme A very special farewell service took place at Godalming United Church, when Paul was thanked for his ministry – particularly his contribution to our Circuit over the last seven years. A letter of thanks was given to him by our Superintendent and a gift of money by way of appreciation. Keith Beckingham said that “We trust he will enjoy spending it during a long and fulfilling retirement. Our good wishes and prayers go with Paul to South Croydon.”
Rev Jackie Case has agreed to postpone her retirement for the next year and take pastoral care of Trinity, Woking. The minister who was expected to come this September has had to cancel her plans following the unexpected death of her husband who would have helped with the care of their young children.
A Circuit Service will be held on Sunday 15th Sept at 6.30 at Cranleigh when Rosemary Lee’s 25 years as a local preacher will be recognized.
Advent Reflections will be held at Guildford St Mary’s on Thursdays, starting on 28th November at 12.15 for 12.30, followed by a bread and soup lunch.
A Circuit Mission Workshop on Saturday 9th November will be led by Rev Tom and Mrs Chris Stuckey and will look at the future of Methodism, based on his recent book. This will be at Merrow from 10.00-1.00, places can be booked at or on 01483 453090, cost - £5.
The Merrow Church Quiz will be held on Saturday 16th Nov at 6.45. The cost of £5 will include a fish and chip supper. Let’s see if we can organize a team!
Around the Area
The Christian Resources Exhibition is returning to Sandown Racecourse again 15 - 7 October. Lots of exhibits to wander round and view and also some interesting lectures for which places can be booked in advance.
The Welcome Service for the new Chair of District, Rev David Hinchliffe, is on Thursday 29th August at 7pm at Redhill Methodist Church. The service will be led by the Secretary of Conference, Rev Jonathan Hustler, and the preacher will be the Chair of the Cornwall District, Rev Steve Wild.
ECG (Equipping, Calling, Going) are holding a day conference entitled Solid Ground – Stepping into God’s Future at Methodist Central Hall, Westminster on Saturday, 5th October. Places can be booked on .
Conference News
The 2019 Methodist Conference was held in Birmingham.
The Revd Dr Barbara Glasson was inducted as President and Prof Clive Marsh as Vice-President of the Conference. ‘So What’s the Story…?’ was the theme chosen by the President for her address, with the Vice-President exploring ‘Pleasure, piety and politics’ in his address.
Connexional finances
The Conference adopted the Connexional Budget for three years commencing with 2019/2020, which covers all planned income to, and expenditure from, the connexionally-held funds that are administered via the Methodist Council. The budget for income in 2019/2020 is £36.2m and the expenditure £41.2m, a net deficit of over £5m. This reflects a deliberate policy of reducing reserves on some funds by releasing additional amounts for grants.
People and places in 2018/19
4,374 places of worship with 180,000 members.
474,000 people visited Methodist churches weekly to take part in activities.
192,000 people attended church services each week, including 27,000 children and young people.
25,000 pupils enrolled in 86 Methodist schools.
Climate Emergency
Recognising the climate emergency, the Conference endorsed the need for urgent action. The Conference heard that both the scientific evidence and the global ambition for action have developed further.
Marriage and Relationships
The report of the Marriage and Relationships Task Group was commended to the Connexion for study and prayerful discussion. Provisional resolutions were passed on the qualities of good relating, an understanding of cohabitation, celebration of civil partnerships, prayers following the end of a marriage and permission for same-sex marriages to take place in Methodist Churches. These will be voted on by Church Councils, Circuit Meetings and District Synods during the coming year, and a report will be brought to the 2020 Conference based on those responses.
Housing and Homelessness
The Conference commended the work being taken by churches and communities across the Connexion to support people experiencing homelessness and to provide housing and combat the housing crisis. The Conference urged Her Majesty’s Government to accelerate its targets to eliminate rough sleeping, allow local authorities to build more housing and to enable the building of more genuinely affordable homes as a means of building stronger and more cohesive communities.
The Conference appointed the Revd Dr Jonathan R Hustler as Secretary of the Conference and the Revd Ruth M Gee as Assistant Secretary for the connexional year 2019/2020.
The 2020/2021 President and Vice-President
The Conference designated the Revd Richard Teal to be President and Mrs Carolyn Lawrence to be Vice-President of the Methodist Conference 2020/2021.
2020 Conference
The Conference will meet in Telford from 25 June – 2 July 2020
Dates for your Diary
Saturday 14th 12.00-16.00 West Horsley Village Fete at West Horsley Place
Sunday 15th 10.30 Harvest Festival with Rev Claire Hargreaves followed by Lunch
6.30 Circuit Service at Cranleigh
Tuesday 24th 7.00 House Group at Ruth Isaac’s
Thursday 3rd 12.15 Occasional Lunch
Sunday 13th 10.30 MHA Sunday with Jane Briggs
Tuesday 22nd 7.00 House Group at Ruth Isaac’s
Sunday 10th 10.30 Remembrance Day Service with Rev Peter Hills
Saturday 9th 10.00-1.00 Circuit Mission Workshop at Merrow
Saturday 16th 6.45 Merrow Quiz
Sunday 24th Church Council will follow the morning service.
Saturday 7th 7.00 Advent Carol Praise