Newsletter September-November 2015
Message from our Minister August 2015
Dear Friends,
Do you like flowers? This summer the sunshine in July really brought out the best in the council-planted displays around Guildford with wildflowers on the roundabouts and beautiful bedding plants in boxes and hanging baskets in the town centre. And as always, we and the village much appreciated the lovely tubs and borders full of flowers at our own church, carefully nurtured by Ted and Liz (see photo on inside of back cover.) Of course by September some of the flowers will have faded and autumn will be creeping in again, but even though they are relatively short lived flowers can do much to lift the spirits with their bright and cheerful colours.
There are few references to flowers in the Bible and where they are mentioned it can be discouraging. For example, in Isaiah 40, the frailty of man’s life is compared to the brevity of the lifespan of the flower :
All men are like grass: and all their glory is like the flowers of the field.
The grass withers and the flowers fall....
But it seems that the Bible whilst acknowledging the short life of the flower, also recognises its brief splendid glory. In Luke 12, Jesus himself celebrates the colours and vivacity of the lilies of the field, saying that “not even Solomon in all his splendour was dressed like one of these” (v27). Jesus goes on to say that if God made such short-lived plants so beautifully clothed in colour, then how much more will God provide for his followers.
These words were addressed to Jesus’ disciples, who from the previous remarks of their master, might be presumed to have been fussing about where their next meal was going to come from and how they were going to replace their worn out clothes. Jesus’ response to these anxieties was to tell the disciples not to worry but to trust in God, who knows their needs.
Soon the church will be celebrating harvest time, a season of plenty with food enough for all. But the reality is that there is still hunger in the world, and people who have never had new clothes, and many who are worn down by anxiety about when their next meal will be. In such a situation it is a very real test of faith to rely on God for daily provision.
The Iraqi Christians I met in Jordan who had fled from their homes near Mosul in fear of their lives, were doing just that, thanking God for their survival and trusting in him with renewed faithfulness for their futures. In their impoverished surroundings, 68 people living in a church hall with just a small amount of money from charity for their food, it was most humbling to hear them declare how their faith and trust in God had been increased rather than diminished through the trauma of their experiences.
Their faith shone from their faces with glory, just as the lilies of the field were clothed in splendour.
What sort of flower are you?!
Every blessing.
Family News
As I write this, on Bank Holiday Monday, it is raining - again! However, we have had many sunny, warm days over the summer, so I hope you all made the most of them. In typical British fashion, when it rains, we always say "well, the garden needs it".
I hope you all enjoyed the summer, whether busy, relaxed, energetic or lazy. It is now almost September, the children are about to return to school and we will soon be back into routine
News from our Church family starts by celebrating Liz and Ted's successes at the Horsley Garden Society's Summer Show. They won silver-gilt for the chapel garden in the non- residential class and also won 2 silver awards; one for their garden and another for their barrow display. We owe them a heartfelt 'thank you' for all the work that they both put in during the year, from the welcoming tubs at the church entrance to the side garden and area at the back which always have something seasonal and appropriate to admire. Beautiful.
Ruth Erasmus is currently at the Clavadel Home in Guildford and has decided to reside permanently at the Old Rectory Care Home at Ewhurst when she leaves after rehabilitation. Claire saw her recently and says that she really appreciates our good wishes and welcomes news of West Horsley. Ruth came to us almost 15 years ago from N. Wales and has been a much loved and valued member of our congregation. We shall miss her greatly.
By the time you read this, we will have welcomed back Heather and Bob from their adventurous time in Canada and we look forward to hearing all about it. I myself spent just over 3 weeks in the USA touring the Southern States. I have never seen so many churches! After a few days in Denver, where my son lives, we went on to explore Yosemite National Park whose sheer size and scale was mind-boggling. We couldn't visit the giant redwoods because the fire risk was too high. California is in the grip of a very serious drought. Everywhere was very brown, parched and tinder dry. However, no one had heard the term 'hosepipe ban' and Californians were still using lawn sprinklers with abandon.
Summer time always leaves us with good memories of time spent with friends and family, sporting triumphs (and disasters!), trips out and time in the garden. These will carry us through the Autumn to the next joyous event - Christmas!
A while ago we donated some of our Good News Bibles to the Esuubi School in Mityana, Uganda. Rosamund Trembath, who delivered them, told me that they are very much appreciated.
Local News
Bible Study
The group meets fortnightly on Modays; the next dates are: Sept 7th, 21st, October 5th, 19th, November 2nd, 16th and 30th.
House Group
The house group meets at 7.00 on the 4th Thursday of the month, usually at Di Bamber’s house. The programme for the next few months is:
24th September – The Call to Preach – James Clephane-Cameron
22nd October – Discipleship Review, led by Di
26th November – Israel/Palestine View from Margaret
Occasional lunches
The next Occasional lunch will be held on Thursday 17th September and will be followed by the U3A Music Group playing for us. The next lunch will be on November 19th. Please sign the lists when they appear on the noticeboard in the Wesley Room, if you would like to attend.
Our Harvest Festival Service will take place on Sunday 27th and will be based on material from All We Can (Methodist Relief & Development Fund). It will be followed by a sandwich lunch.
All We Can Harvest Appeal 2015 - Focus on Ethiopia
It is 30 years since Ethiopia was in the international spotlight because of the devastating famine which affected eight million people and led to a million deaths. It prompted a massive public response in the UK, including Band Aid and Live Aid. Thankfully the country has experienced much progress since that time, but many of the population still face poverty and an insecure food supply, and are not able to harvest enough to meet their needs. Life expectancy: Male: 58 Female: 63 Poverty: 29% live below the poverty line. In central Ethiopia, All We Can is working in partnership with the local organisation ADHENO, which is helping people to make their land more fruitful and earn an income outside of the harvest season through beekeeping. By holding a collection as part of our service we will be raising money to help people in these communities. Please use the Gift Aid envelopes to increase your donation.
£10 could provide a beekeeper with an improved beehive helping them to increase their income
£26 could train eight people in how to cultivate fruit trees helping families to have nutritious meals
£52 could buy 4,000 seedlings to be planted by the community to help increase the fertility of the land
Advent Carol Praise
We will be holding our usual celebration of Advent with A Carol Praise evening on Saturday, 5th December at 7.00. Please ask your friends to put this date in their diaries.
Ride 100 completed – Letter from Bob
Dear Friends,
Firstly, thank you all for supporting me and QEF on the big ride! Including gift aid the total raised stands at over £2100 to date and I have some more monies to collect from those who wanted to make sure I could do it! The weather was glorious and the organisation superb - no doubt about it, the Brits 'do' big events. I was a late starter at 8.49am so could stay in bed till 5.45am, not so for the guys off at 6.00am who were up at 4.00 am or earlier.
Once away the ride went very well, I felt good right the way through, never stopped (not even for a pee!) so my time was better than I expected and at 16.5mph my average speed higher than expected too. The training regime (thank you Richard Deighton) paid off and once clear of the start I was able to get 'into a groove' and go at my own pace which I was pleased at being able to do. Cycling through London and Surrey without any traffic was fantastic!
Tragedy took place on Leith Hill when a guy collapsed and died, thousands were delayed behind him. As I was a late starter I was one of many directed on a bypass to miss Leith Hill (and I had practised riding up it several times during training!) so only did 92 miles officially. However in the evening when I got off the train at Horsley I rode around the village until the 100 miles was clocked. To cycle 100 miles in a day has been an ambition of mine, unfulfilled from my teenage years.
At the end Heather was there on The Mall cheering us all on. Once through the finish and after collecting my medal there was a wonderful party in Green Park where riders, families and supporters met in dappled shade to relax and replenish energy. An ice cream has never tasted so good.
The adrenalin carried on until late evening, but once relaxed I slept well Sunday night. On Monday morning no aches or pains and the pre-booked visit to the osteopath was not really needed.
Thank you to all who supported me; Richard for his advice during training; fellow trainees for their encouragement; plus Alec and Chris for being on the route ready to help cyclists with any technical problems. Christine & Jeremy at the roundabout and Heather for the banana and energy bars at Horsley. It was good to see Nicki, Ray and the Grace & Flavour team in Ripley Lane - where was the bacon butty?
Will I do it again? NO. The four days cycling a week for two months beforehand was worth doing, but I look forward to future summers being more relaxing.
Thank you again for your support
Local clergy changes
The local Anglican churches are all going through a period of change, please remember our friends in these churches with prayers for their support and encouragement at this time of change and uncertainty.
St Martin’s East Horsley have appointed Rev. Renos Pittarides as their new Rector. Renos is currently Associate Minister at St Andews, Cobham. He was born in North London and his parents are of Greek Cypriot origin. He is married to Jo, a local photographer, and they have three children, Hannah, Grace and Theo. His Installation Service will be held on 19th November.
All Saints, Ockham. The Revd Hugh Grear has been appointed as the new Rector for the Parish of Ockham with Hatchford & Downside. He is currently Rector at Worplesdon. He joins with his wife, Tina, and their twins and will be installed at a service on Oct 6th. He looks forward to meeting everyone at the Churches Together gatherings.
St Mary’s, West Horsley are in an Interregnum. The Porter family have now moved to Cromer in Norfolk where James has been installed as the new Vicar of Cromer Parish Church. The process for a new appointment within the Church of England can take several months. The Parochial Church Council are in the process of finalising the Parish Profile, a document which goes out to interested applicants. They plan to interview in November and, hopefully, appoint but it is unlikely that the successful candidate would be installed at St Mary’s until the New Year.
News from around the Circuit
The last in the current series of FACE TO FACE has been arranged for Sunday evening 4th Oct at 6.30 at Godalming United Church. Dame Penelope Keith will be in conversation with Rev Paul Hulme.
An hour’s Reflection in Words, Music and Stillness at noon on 7th September at St Mary’s Quarry Street. Coffee from 11.45. A series of Advent Reflections will start at lunchtime on Thursday 27th November.
Methodist Theology – the Circuit Study Group will be having informal discussions based on the book “Methodist Theology” by Kenneth Wilson. More information from Allan Taylor - 01483 200464.
Whitechapel Mission
A big “thank you” to everyone who contributed to the collection of clothing and breakfast foods in July. The trailer at Godalming was filled to capacity with much needed items for homeless men. Hopefully, this will become an annual event.
Woking & Walton Circuit
Rev Claire Potter was appointed as Superintendent of the Woking & Walton-on-Thames Circuit (in addition to our Circuit) for this next year, 2015/16. And ministers from the our Circuit will continue to provide emergency cover to the W& Circuit through 2015/16; Claire Hargreaves will be supporting Walton-on-Thames.
We have asked the District to start the formal consultation process to explore the possibilities of forming a new circuit. A Circuit Planning Group, has been formed and members will be attending Church Council meetings and other discussions to help the process. Leaflets will be produced to keep everyone informed about the process, the advantages and consequences.
Saturday 5th 2.00 Summer Fete at Dene Place
Sunday 6th 6.30 Circuit Service at Cranleigh – Rev Stuart Roebuck
Monday 7th 2.00 Bible Study in the Wesley Room
Monday 14th 7.30 Circuit Meeting at West Horsley
Thursday 17th 12.15 Occasional Lunch, followed by U3A Music Group
Monday 21st 2.00 Bible Study in the Wesley Room
Thursday24th 7.00 House Group - James Clephane-Cameron
Sunday 27th 10.30 Harvest Festival
Monday 28th 9.30 Stewards’ meeting in the Wesley Room
Sunday 4th 6.30 Face to Face at Godalming – Dame Penelope Keith
Monday 5th 2.00 Bible Study in the Wesley Room
Friday 16th 10.00 Church Council meeting in the Wesley Room
Monday 19th 2.00 Bible Study in the Wesley Room
Thursday 22nd 7.00 House Group – Discipleship Review
Monday 2nd 2.00 Bible Study in the Wesley Room
Saturday 14th 10.30 Stoughton Christmas Fayre
Monday 16th 2.00 Bible Study in the Wesley Room
Thursday 19th 12.15 Occasional Lunch
Thursday 26th 7.00 House Group – Israel/Palestine
Monday 30th 2.00 Bible Study in the Wesley Room
Saturday 5th 7.00 Advent Carol Praise
Congratulations to Bob for completing Ride London
Photo of Bob Smiling (or grimacing?) on Box Hill
Finally, the Medal
to Ted & Liz for our flowering bottle brush plant - see photo