Newsletter September- November 2016
Message from our Minister August 2016
Dear All,
I am never very happy with photos of me – do you feel the same? Maybe it’s because we have our own idea of what we look like but that doesn’t match the reality! Or maybe it’s because often photos are posed portraits and so rather artificial! This photo is a rare exception to this and therefore more natural – taken while I was speaking at an All We Can Fringe event at the Methodist Conference in London.
So two thoughts arise from this photo – firstly, does it matter what we look like? Surely what is more important in how we act, what we say and do and how we live our lives with grace? It is how we show God’s love to others that really counts. No-one knows what Jesus looked like! It is his teaching and healing and compassion that speaks to us and reveals God to us through the Spirit today. Jesus’ appearance is not mentioned by the disciples in the Gospels, yet we have a clear impression of his character and personality, of his wisdom, power, kindness and holiness through the telling of his life, ministry, death and resurrection. There is a beauty and charisma in Jesus that is more than skin deep! So don’t worry about those summer holiday photos! Concentrate on living life in a way that imprints your love of God on others.
Secondly, there is another person with me in the photo who is far more significant – a refugee, who represents the millions of displaced Syrians and others who have been forced to leave their countries to seek a better life.
There are 650,000 registered refugees in Jordan – some have been given work permits in a government pilot scheme to enable them to work legally, but the vast majority have no means of supporting themselves and they continue to need our help.
In June you helped raise a total of nearly £3,500 for All We Can’s Syria Appeal at a Sunday Tea Party and a Saturday Evening Family and Friends event at Warren Farm House. Donations from talks and coffee mornings around the Circuit have contributed another £1500 this year to All We Can’s work with refugees in Jordan. The two Circuits gave over £400 worth of goods to equip homes for four Syrian families being resettled in Woking.
So THANK YOU to you for your generosity and ongoing support for this work.
Claire Hargreaves
Family News
It is difficult to find words to express the overwhelming sorrow and deep sense of personal loss felt on the death of Di Bamber. It has left us in a state of limbo as we try to come to terms with life without Di. I am very conscious that in happier days it would have been Di composing the Family News in her own polished style. Di played a significant role in the life of our chapel; she was always well prepared and committed to whatever duty in which she was involved, whether as a church steward, as hostess and organizer of the House Group, as an invaluable and thoughtful contributor to the Bible Study group and above all, with her inspirational and professional musical accomplishments which we shall so much miss. All these things she regarded as part of her Christian commitment, deeply rooted in Methodism. Our morning service on 16th October will include a celebration of Di's life. Our thoughts and our prayers are with Di's sons, Richard, Michael and Simon.
Our best wishes to Jean Stephenson as she convalesces after her hip operation.
We also remember Frieda Greenacre who has recently moved to Deepdene Care Centre in Dorking. Frieda shared her, not inconsiderable, talents with us including teaching the senior class of the Sunday School and bringing them into membership of the Methodist church.
Belated congratulations to Renee who celebrated her 100th birthday in June with celebrations at Lime Grove and also at Long Meadow (formerly Bonny Bank) where Jeanne had organized a delightful family gathering.
Many congratulations to all the Rogers family on the birth of Rosalie Florance O'Neill, a first granddaughter for Jenny and Tony. Also a first daughter for Karina and Donal, and a sister for her two brothers.
Every time I pass the chapel on the car park side, I am inspired by the simple wooden cross on the wall. We owe it to Bob, one of those invaluable people who never throw anything away that might come in useful later. Hence' the obsolete communion rail becomes the cross of Christ, skilfully sculpted by a local craftsman, Andrew Hook.
Ruth Isaac
Renee Denew celebrating her 100th birthday with her daughter, Jeanne, together with a congratulatory card from the Queen!
Tim Hart came back home for two weeks in July, as he had spent four weeks with his girl friend Bronwyn, in South Africa enjoying time in Cape Town area and the national parks and Victoria Falls near Johannesburg. and thought as he was half way to UK he might as well go back to Perth via London.
It was great to catch up with him again, but as usual he was also seeing family and college friends, so occasionally I had my car!
The family came to visit and Tim enjoyed cooking a BBQ using charcoal for a change!!
Heritage weekend Saturday 10th – Sunday 11th September
We are immensely grateful to Jean Bruton for arranging for our chapel to be included in this yeear’s Heritage Open Weekend and for organising an extensive display of material from our archives.
The chapel will be open from 10.00 – 12.00 noon and 2.00 – 4.00 on the Saturday, and from 2.00 – 4.00 on the Sunday. Do come along and have a look at our history.
Local News
Bible Study
Claire plans to lead a series of Bible Study meetings starting on September 12th at 2.00pm. The sessions are based on a Methodist Church resource booklet entitled “Presence”.
This publication aims to encourage village and rural church communities in their ministry and seeks to affirm smaller chapels in their faithful witness. Presence was written to follow up Methodist Conference resolutions to promote and support Christian presence in villages. It explores the challenges facing smaller congregations and suggests creative ways of reaching out into the wider community.
These Bible studies will help us to confront some of the issues that face congregations like ours with renewed energy, ideas and a positive outlook. Your contribution and involvement are much valued so do come if you can. All are welcome.
More information from Heather or Claire.
Harvest Festival will be celebrated on Sunday18th September. There will be a simple lunch after the service.
House Group The House Group will resume meeting in the Autumn, but we do need ideas for the topics that you would like to discuss. Please let Margaret know.
Occasional lunches. The next Occasional lunch will be on Thursday 20th October. Meanwhile, the Thursday Coffee mornings continue weekly so please do join us for company and a natter.
Wey Valley Circuit
We are now officially part of the Wey Valley Circuit. A service to launch the new Circuit will be held on September 11th at Woking Trinity at 6.30, preceded by a cream tea from 5.00.
The new circuit magazine, “The Wey Forward”, contains information about all 13 churches and their forthcoming activities.
Property update:
Over the summer, works on the damp wall have been proceeding and the wall is drying out steadily. Plastering and replacement of the central heating pipes are planned for October/November. There have been comments that some of our membership would like to have a section of the brickwork left un-plastered. If we did that we can either leave the section between the windows, from window sill level up to the wooden batten, or frame a square yard, say. The rough brickwork would have to have a coat of 'varnish' to seal it, of course. Could you let Bob know whether or not you are in favour this idea?
Weekend 10/11th Heritage Display
Sunday 11th 6.30 Circuit Service celebration at Woking, Trinity
Monday 12th 2.00 Bible study in the Chapel
Sunday 18th 10.30 Harvest Festival followed by lunch
Monday 26th 2.00 Bible study in the Wesley Room
Friday 30th Stewards’ Meeting in the Wesley Room
Monday 10th 2.00 Bible study in the Chapel
Sunday 16th 10.30 Service including thanksgiving for Di Bamber
Monday 24th 2.00 Bible study in the Wesley Room
Monday 7th 2.00 Bible study in the Wesley Room
Thursday 17th Occasional Lunch
Monday 21st 2.00 Bible study in the Wesley Room
Saturday 3rd 7.00 Carol Praise