Newsletter March – May 2017
Message from our Minister February 2017
The poinsettia left over from Christmas was looking bedraggled beside the bright spring tulips on the windowsill. I was about to throw it out when on looking more closely at the leaves, I noticed some new shoots. These encouraging signs of regeneration saved it – the plant has a second chance!
This quarter moves us through Lent towards Easter, with its juxtaposition of suffering and death with the glorious joy of new life through the resurrection. Our individual lives too are a contrasting mixture of highs and lows, successes and failures, sadness and happiness, all set in the wider perspectives of our world with its troubles and conflicts. Brexit and the US Presidential election, war in Ukraine and Syria, continuing terrorist threats – all these events create a sense of uncertainty and upheaval. But if we are prepared to look more closely at these things and dig deeper into the detail, we will discover that here too in seemingly intransigent differences and difficulties, there are sparks of hope, talks about talks of peace, suggestions of moderation and odd comments of co-operation. New life, renewed hope, second chances.
The ecumenical Lent groups will be following the York course of study written by Canon John Young discussing five different ways of receiving Christ. No doubt there will be lots of lively conversations in the groups inspired by this material. There is great value in coming together as people of faith from different Christian traditions. In studying and talking together we find common ground between us. Building on this, we can do something new together in Christ. These meetings should move us forward towards being more effective witnesses as Christians to our area, united by our faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. This is a new opportunity to be a real influence for Christ locally, to be a sign of hope in the community.
However difficult the situation or circumstances in which people find themselves trapped, Jesus gives everyone hope, and offers everyone a second chance at life. The apostle Peter deserted Jesus and denied him three times as Jesus predicted, but the risen Christ confronts Peter’s guilt on the shores of Lake Galilee and offers Peter the opportunity to affirm his belief in Jesus three times, cancelling out Peter’s previous denials. Jesus healed Peter and enabled him to move forward to become the great leader and evangelist of the early church that Jesus knew he could be, with the help of the Holy Spirit.
God gives so many chances. So keep on loving, working and praying for transformation in challenging situations.
The poinsettia is flourishing!
God bless
Family News
Thanks to all who responded to Margaret's appeal for items for the Newsletter. As a result, we are able to report several items of good news and to send our best wishes and congratulations to all concerned.
We are very happy for Jane Francis on the engagement of her eldest granddaughter Jess, to Charlie. We also celebrate with Celia and her family on the birth of her fifth grandchild, Xavier William Chapman, born to Rosamond and Tim on 14th of January 2017, a brother to Sylvana and Hugo.
It is also special news that Claire and Mark Hargreaves are now Grandparents on the birth of Leila to Jessica and Mohammad.
Katrine has been sharing her knowledge and skills with Bob and Heather as grand parenting duties now involve dog minding. Our thoughts are with their daughter-in-law, Angie, as she undergoes chemotherapy.
Our best wishes also to Jean Stephenson, Martin Wheatley and Roger Carter who are all on the mend following operations.
We were so pleased to see Tim Hart when he came home for Christmas and to have the pleasure of meeting Bronwen.
At the time of writing, Renee is in good health and sends her love to us all. She much appreciates what she calls “pop in” visits, so please call in at Lime Grove care home if you have time.
Elsie Wilton also would love to see anyone if they have time to call in at Dene Place for a quick visit.
News from Worthing: Keith Yule has recovered from his pre-Christmas fall and is comfortable again. He was peaceful and relaxed when visited in early February. He does not remember much of Horsley these days, but some memories were stirred of past days in Guildford. He has a lovely room and the nursing home is excellent and the staff kind.
Local News
Songs of Praise
Our Annual Songs of Praise evening will take place on Saturday 6th May. Please invite your friends to this popular event. This will be part of our Chapel Anniversary celebrations and the service on the Sunday will be taken by Janet Gardham.
Bible Study is currently being led by Claire Hargreaves and we are studying the First letter of Peter.
House Group
Meets at Ruth Isaac’s home at 7.00 on the fourth Tuesday of the month. On March 28th Darlene will talk on 1 &2 Samuel and on May 23rd Barrie Tabraham will focus on the Wesleys. Subject for April 25th is still to be arranged.
Occasional lunches. The next Occasional lunch will be on Thursday April 6th. Meanwhile, the Thursday Coffee mornings continue weekly, so please come and join us for company and a natter.
Fairtrade Fortnight this year is from 27th Feb – March 13th and we will be having the usual range of goods for sale.
Church Charity
The current charity that we support is SANDS. This Surrey based group exists to support parents whose babies die either during pregnancy at or shortly after birth. It operates a helpline, befrienders and support groups and created or refurbished bereavement rooms for families in 7 Surrey hospitals. Doris and Jane are among many knitters who provide angel pockets, burial gowns and blankets to give dignity to the babies. Please speak to either of them if you would like any further information and keep on saving those 20p coins. Over £70 has been raised so far.
The Church Envelopes are due for renewal at the beginning of April, please speak to Margaret if you feel able to join this scheme of regular giving to the church.
Property update:
After five years of damp in the south wall of the church we have finally completed the remedial works. The new central heating pipework and radiators have given the heating a boost on Sundays! Thank you to Ted for the trouble he has taken over varnishing the window sills, and to all those who helped in the many furniture moves over the past six months, and especially for getting the church ready for the service on the last Sunday in January, when the church looked so smart.
We have been concerned for some time at the dripping gutters on the north side of the church, especially over the ramp to the Wesley Room emergency exit door which many people use. When there is a hard frost the water which has dripped from the gutter has frozen and created a hazard. The gutters were replaced in January to resolve the situation. The drain from the kitchen sink has also been realigned so that it no longer discharges over the ramp.
During a storm in the summer of 2016 a ridge tile blew of the Wesley Room roof. Fortunately nobody or property was damaged. Whilst the builders were on site a new ridge tile was fitted.
During the time of the interregnum at the local parish churches, it was difficult to make arrangements for future activities together. However, with new clergy in post, Celia arranged a lunchtime meeting some months ago and plans were formulated for events this year.
The first of these is the interchurch Lent Groups which have been much valued in the past by those who attended. Things are very different from when the annual Lent Groups were first arranged.
St Mary’s Parish Church now has very strong weekly house Life Groups and these also take place amongst the local members of St Saviour’s. Many worshippers are now less able to get out and about and younger ones are often busy with work, children and classes. Currently, there is an Alpha Course taking place at Quaich. So, the Lent Groups will be smaller, and fewer in number, but as long as there are those who value meeting, discussing and sharing with members of other churches, I hope there will be room for this annual ecumenical activity. See the notice board for details.
The usual Good Friday Service of Witness will take place at the Station Parade shops at 10.00 on 15th April.
The Annual Unity Service will be held at 6.00 on 14th May at St Martin’s.
Community Prayers
MARCH Heavenly Father, we thank you for the UK and USA’s political leaders who both profess their Christianity. We trust and pray that through their powerful positions you will guide them and their advisors to govern with integrity. Grant them your wisdom to bring more justice, peace and truth to the World.
APRIL As we approach Holy Week, may we continue on our journey of Spiritual Renewal, as mirrored in the natural world. Help us to cast off our old ways and come closer to understanding Christ through His sufferings. We give thanks for the Scriptures and through them our Faith, always actively encouraging others to come to know and share the joy they bring.
MAY Lord we pray for all Christian Chaplains in schools and universities. May their commitment to you be alive and active in spreading the Gospel values and encouraging their students to learn about and come to know you. Grant them your wisdom, discernment and compassion in all situations.
Dates for your Diary
Friday 3rd 2.00 Women’s World Day of Prayer Service at St Martin’s
Friday 10th 10.30 Church Council
Monday 13th 2.00 Bible Study Group
Monday 27th 2.00 Bible Study Group
Tuesday 28th 7.00 House Group @ Ruth Isaac’s – Darlene McCarley
Lent Reflections at St Mary’s, Quarry St, Guildford, 12.15 for 12.30. Followed by bread and soup lunch.
Thursdays March 2nd – April 13th
Monday 10th 2.00 Bible Study Group
Friday 14th 10.00 Good Friday Service @ East Horsley Shops
Monday 24th 2.00 Bible Study Group
Tuesday 25th 7.00 House Group @ Ruth Isaac’s
Saturday 6th 7.00 Songs of Praise
Sunday 6th 10.30 Chapel Anniversary Service
Monday 8th 2.00 Bible Study Group
Sunday 14th 6.00 Unity Service at St Martin’s, East Horsley
Monday 22nd 2.00 Bible Study Group
Tuesday 23rd 7.00 House Group @ Ruth Isaac’s – Barrie Tabraham
The Loom of Time - Anon
Man’s life is laid in the loom of time
To a pattern he does not see
While the weavers work and the shuttles fly
Till the dawn of eternity.
Some shuttles are filled with silver threads
While some with threads of gold.
While often but the darker hues
Are all that may hold.
But the weaver watches with skilful eye
Each shuttle fly to and fro
And sees the pattern he deftly wrought
As the loom moves sure and slow.
God surely planned the pattern
Each thread the dark and fair
Is chosen by His master’s skill
And placed in the web with care.
He only knows its beauty
And guides the shuttle which holds
The threads so unattractive
As well as the threads of gold.
Not till each loom is silent
And the shuttle cease to fly
Shall God reveal the pattern
And explain the reason why -
The dark threads were as needful
In the weaver’s skilful hand
As the thread of gold and silver
For the pattern which He planned.
Thanks to Doris for this poem.
Update on refugee support
On November 29th, Trinity Methodist Church hosted a presentation and update on my latest visit to All We Can refugee projects in Jordan. There was a great response from the Circuit to the appeal for donations for the hairdressing project at Talbiah Refugee Camp, Amman, Jordan. At the time of writing, we know that the parcel has arrived and is in the process of being cleared through Jordanian customs. Thank you everyone who gave items and money towards this and for your continuing interest in this vital work.
All We Can has now extended its humanitarian relief to refugees who have fled to Lebanon. The charity is working with partner Medair to provide shelter to refugees in the Bekaa Valley. Read Fatuma’s story at
The humanitarian crisis in Yemen is urgent. All We Can has found a local partner who can deliver aid but has to raise a minimum of £10,000 to be able to start the aid programme. I am preparing a report for the Circuit Leadership Team which might help the Circuit to consider if it could sponsor all or part of this.
Locally, we are in contact with Woking Borough Council and recently explored the possibility of offering a property as a home to refugees. Ultimately the property was found to be not suitable for the needs of the families, but other ways of helping are possible. Weybridge Methodist Church recently raised enough money to equip a kitchen for one of the families coming into the borough. There are opportunities for volunteering – for example, teaching English, befriending, taking refugees to appointments. Let me know if you are interested in any of these.
Walton Methodist Church will be hosting the walkers from Refugee Tales in the summer as they walk to raise awareness of the situations of asylum seekers and refugees in the UK.
The community in Cranleigh are preparing for welcoming refugees, and have received training for this purpose, an initiative pioneered by Revd Claire Potter.
Please do let me know of any events or fundraising activities for refugees that are taking place in your churches. Jessica and I will be travelling to Jordan again in May and hope to see the hairdressing project at work in Talbiah!
Claire Hargreaves